
This maintenance of reverse osmosis water treatment equipment can extend its service life

2021-10-23 02:19:16

With the continuous innovation of technology, reverse osmosis pure water equipment can be fully automatic and efficient. In order to extend the service life of pure water equipment, in daily situations, such maintenance of reverse osmosis equipment can extend its service life.

The reverse osmosis pure water equipment mainly consists of a booster pump, membrane shell, reverse osmosis membrane, control circuit, etc. The treatment principle of this equipment is: the raw water needs to undergo pre-treatment, mechanical filter, and activated carbon filter. During equipment operation, the following points can be done for equipment maintenance:
1. Inlet water quality requirements: For the quality of entering pure water equipment, certain requirements must be strictly followed.
2. High pressure warning: When the equipment emits a high pressure alarm, it is necessary to check the filter to the high-pressure pump to see if the RO inlet regulating valve and concentration discharge valve are normal. After checking and adjusting, the equipment can be restarted.
3. Temperature control: Strict control is required for the temperature of the incoming water. The temperature of the incoming water should not be too high, otherwise it will affect the growth of bacteria on the membrane surface and increase the pressure drop.
4. Shutdown time: If the shutdown operation time of the pure water equipment exceeds 72 hours, it is recommended to first turn off the power and water source, drain all water from the equipment, then chemically clean the equipment, and then add 1% sodium hydrogen sulfate and 18% glycerol for protection.
The above is a summary of the maintenance of reverse osmosis pure water equipment. Any water treatment equipment should undergo regular maintenance to better maintain its service life.
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