
How to adjust the water volume of a gas water heater? How to use the water volume control valve? What are the methods available?

2021-10-23 02:13:49

For gas water heaters used in households, people will find a phenomenon where if the water volume of the gas water heater does not meet the requirements, it may not ignite, and sometimes there may be sudden cold and hot situations. So we need to adjust the water intake of the gas water heater based on its water consumption to meet our water requirements. Using the following question as an example, we will explain the issue of adjusting the water volume of gas water heaters in the Home Miscellaneous Forum.

How to use the water volume regulating valve of a gas water heater?
How to use the regulating valve of a gas water heater? Generally, we choose the method of use based on the specific position and model of the regulating valve of this gas water heater. Like commonly used gas water heaters, there is usually a water volume regulating valve at the water inlet of the tap water. The water volume can be adjusted based on this valve, or the angle valve can be used to rotate to adjust the water volume. For this reason, I would like to personally recommend the following commonly used methods for adjusting the valves of gas water heaters?
① The gas water heater comes with a water volume regulating valve to regulate the water volume. For the water volume regulating valve that comes with gas, it is generally installed at the lower port of the gas water heater. The lower port of this valve is connected to our water inlet pipeline. Adjust it up and down according to the above instructions during adjustment. Or you can adjust the size up or down based on the plus or minus sign. The plus sign indicates an increase in water volume, while the minus sign indicates a decrease in water volume. If there is no indication, then clockwise rotation is for decreasing and counterclockwise rotation is for increasing. That is, the opening and closing of our normal water valve.

② The angle valve installed on the wall is used to adjust the water volume. If our gas water heater does not have a built-in water volume regulating valve, we can directly use the angle valve installed in the tap water to adjust it. The adjustment method for the installed angle valve is as follows: always rotate to the right, that is, when rotating clockwise, the water volume is reduced, and when rotating counterclockwise, the water volume is increased. This is exactly the same adjustment method as our regular valves.
③ Automatic adjustment of water volume. Nowadays, many gas water heaters can automatically adjust the water volume according to our outlet water temperature requirements. At this point, the adjustment is very simple. We don't need me to rotate the valve that controls the water flow anymore, just set the outlet temperature of the gas water heater. For example, if we set the temperature of the outlet water to a higher level, the water inflow may be slightly smaller. And if we set the outlet temperature lower, the estimated inflow at this point is higher. This adjustment method is more practical.

How to determine the way in which the water inflow of a gas water heater needs to be adjusted?
We adjust the water inflow of the gas water heater, not blindly, but according to our actual needs. That is to say, adjusting our gas water heater according to the outlet temperature can meet our usage needs. If you want to achieve the temperature of the effluent, my personal opinion is to do the following two things well.
① Adjust the amount of water inflow based on the water temperature. For example, if the outlet water temperature of our gas water heater is too high, we can increase the water inflow of the gas water heater by rotating the valve counterclockwise as mentioned above to ensure an increase in water inflow. If the outlet temperature of our gas water heater is too low, then it is necessary to reduce the inlet volume of the gas water heater by rotating the inlet valve clockwise.

② Adjust the inlet valve of the gas water heater according to the season.Because with different seasons, many families have different requirements for water temperature. For example, the most common requirement is to have a higher water temperature in winter and a lower water temperature in summer.At this point, we can adjust the main inlet valve. At this point, my personal opinion is that in summer, we can open the inlet valve of the gas water heater larger to make the outlet temperature of the gas water heater lower. In winter, adjust the inlet water of the gas water heater to be smaller, so that the outlet water temperature is higher.
Attention: ① When adjusting the inlet water volume of the gas water heater, we should observe the working status of the gas water heater. If the water volume is too small, it may not ignite, which needs to be noted The amount of water entering the gas water heater is only slightly adjusted. So under normal circumstances, it is not possible to adjust the water volume to adjust the water temperature. Thirdly, if we want to adjust the water temperature at home, I personally believe that we should adjust the amount of gas combustion. That is to set the outlet temperature of the gas water heater according to the setting requirements. Only in this way can we meet our usage requirements normally.

The conventional method for adjusting the inlet flow rate of a gas water heater is to manually or intelligently adjust it. Manual adjustment refers to adjusting the manual valve above, while intelligent adjustment refers to setting the outlet temperature on the gas control panel. So if we purchase a gas water heater at home, my personal suggestion is to purchase a gas water heater that can achieve intelligent adjustment, which is more convenient to use# Baidu Home Furnishing Master Group#

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